Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Monday 22 November 2010

Plan B

A few days ago, I was not in good health. When I slept at night, suddenly I felt I couldn't breathe since my nose was full of mucus. I woke up and felt I was dying. As soon as I opened my mouth,
I found that I was still alive.
Everybody knows that when we can't breathe through our nose, of course, we have to breathe through our mouth. It's simple, but do you realize that God had plan B when He created nose to breathe? He always has plan B, and He teaches us to have plan B, too.
So when we fail, can we find another way to success? If we can't find it, ask God, I'm sure he has plan B for us.


  1. a very inspiring story !! sometimes, I really need this kind of story to encourage myself. GOD is always there.

  2. I'm glad to find that you still believe in God :) Don't forget to pray because a prayer has power that you can't imagine.
