Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 13 November 2010


It was Sunday. That day I was asked to be one of the judges for a choir competition in a church. I planned after doing the one-day-job as a judge, I would go to the house of a friend whose 4 years-old son was just came home from hospital. He was in hospital for a month because he had a trouble with his heart.
I had less than IDR 20,000 in my wallet, but I was sure that I would go home with a 'thicker wallet'. After doing my job at the church, the committee gave me a sum of money in an envelope. Without counting the total amount of the money, I took IDR 50,000 to fill my car-tank so I could go to my friend's house. With my wife, son and daughter, I went there. As we left her house, I gave the money to the mother. She smiled and cried as she thanked me. I realized that the money was worthy for me, but for her and her son, it must have been much worthier. Thank God for teaching me that giving is more meaningful in life than taking.