Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Friday 20 February 2015

When My Mom Said No

Years ago, when I had to study in a high school, I decided to enter a school in another town. I lived in a rent room. I had no means of transportation. Everywhere I go, I had to take a public transportation, or a friend of mine took me to the places.
Once, I needed to go to many places as I had a project. I needed a motorcycle. To ask my mom to buy a motorcycle was impossible since we did not have enough money to buy it. To borrow from my friends, they also needed it. 
My family - my mom and I - had a motorcycle. It was in my mom's house and my mom usually rode it to go to work. Because I really needed it, I went home and asked my mom, "Mom, I really need a motorcycle to finish my project on time. Will you use it much next week?" She surely answered, "No." "Will I make a trouble if I take the motorcycle?" And without any doubt she smiled and replied, "No." And then I used the motorcycle. While I was using the motorcycle, my mom went to work by bicycle. The place where she worked was not so far from our house, but it took three times longer to reach there by bike.
Today, after years, I realize that she did anything for me. When I needed the motorcycle, she would ride a bike and chose to give the motorcycle to me.
Have you ever thought...that when your mom has a little food and then you cry for it, she will give it to you...and she will eat nothing? Have you ever thought that when she has a little money and you need it...she will give it all to you? Have you ever thought that she thinks about you more than about herself?

Thank you, Mom! I love you!

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