Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

A Plastic Bottle

In the last few days, my classes have discussed about 'go green'. It led me to think about the recycle process of plastic bottles. It has taught me a lesson.

It was the time for me to have lunch. And as usual, I brought my plastic bottle to the dining room. When I was walking to the dining room I saw some other used plastic bottles in the rubbish bins along the corridor. And I started to think if they were alive.

A girl was holding a bottle of drinking water. He said,"How proud I am! This girl needs me everywhere she goes. She can't live without me. I've made her alive." Then after using the bottle for some time and the bottle's condition became worse, the girl bought a new bottle and threw the old one into the rubbish bin. Then the old bottle said,"Ooohh...I'm just rubbish now. Can anybody help me out of this rubbish bin? It's too dirty here. Hey, you, rubbish! Get out of my life! How can I live in the place that smells so bad?" In the afternoon a man took the rubbish and moved it into the bigger rubbish box.

Then one day the truck came to take the rubbish from the big rubbish box to a big field full of rubbish. "Oh my God! What a place!" Then a machine took him and let him gather with other plastic bottles. And then the machine crushed them! "Lord, have mercy! I was too arrogant to be a bottle needed by the girl! Please let me out of this place!" But it was too late. "Now I'm broken into pieces. It's so painful!! All I can do is just hope and pray."

The next day the broken pieces were put into a machine. "Help! It's so hot here! I've got no shape now!" But after a while, a machine took him and made him a new plastic bottle. "Thank God...I've got my new life!" The new plastic bottle was very grateful and he swore he wouldn't be arrogant anymore.

Have you ever felt the same as this plastic bottle?
Have you ever experienced the process of recycle which is done by God?
Maybe I'm in the process now. Not being the old anymore...but not yet the new one....