Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 3 August 2013

Eyes, Lips and Nose

1. Hi, I'm eye. Am I beautiful? 

2. Hi! I'm lip. Can you see if I'm beautiful?

3. Hi, I'm sure you know me. Yes! I'm nose! Do you think I'm the most beautiful?

If I've got to answer those three questions, my answers are all 'No!'. I can't see the beauty of each of them. The eye is too dark and not shiny. The lips are too pale. The nose is too flat. When I see their physical appearances, they're not interesting. Yet, can you see the function of each of them? When they work, they will be meaningful. When they work together, they will form a harmony. When they are put on a face appropriately, they will show the beauty of the face - not the beauty of each of them.
God created them with their own function.
God put them on a face to show the beauty of the owner of the face.
God created us....
Have we played our own role? And have we avoided being selfish to show the beauty of our Owner?

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