Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Are You a Pet?

"You didn't count anything. How come?" I asked one of my students during a Maths test. "It's ok. I always do this and so far my scores have been ok," he replied. "What's your target?" I asked. He answered,"Mmm...nothing. Just passing the minimum requirement is enough for me."
I was shocked to find

that I still have a student without effort, target and responsibility. Maybe he's not the only one. If a student has no effort, target and responsibility, is his life meaningful? I think he just lives his life only by doing his routines without taking any values from his activities. He does what he usually does. If he has something harder or more difficult he doesn't try to overcome.
I think such a student is not his parents' child. He's the parents' pet. The parents just give him food and clothes, and the pet doesn't go pee on the carpet. It's enough.

Guys, let's make our life meaningful. Set your target, be responsible and do your effort to reach it.

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