Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 3 August 2019

T-Shirt and Friends

Home sweet home. It's nice to be home after a day work. Time to relax. A cup of hot tea will be good to drink in the back garden. Some fried banana or fried tempe will make this all perfect.

This afternoon is so hot. 26.5⁰C. Before enjoying them all, of course I need to change my working clothes into the comfortable ones. I open my wardrobe and pick shorts and a t-shirt. No...not this one. This t-shirt isn't comfortable to wear on this hot day.
Finally, I took my old shirt. The black one, but it's not really black anymore. It has turned into browny black. It's tattered, there are some holes on it. Some parts are almost torn as it becomes much thinner than it was. The writing on it almost disappears and it's not easy to read. Yet above those facts, it's comfortable to wear. This t-shirt can cool my body. I feel getting good air circulation through it's very thin fabric.

A few weeks ago, during a holiday, we were cleaning the house. One of the activities was cleaning the wardrobe, sorting the clothes...which ones were still worn and the ones that should have been out off the wardrobe. When I found my old, thin browny black t-shirt, I put it back into the wardrobe. It's really hard to get rid of it. I love it. I love to wear it.

Friends are like my old, thin, browny black t-shirt. The longer you have them, although you get to know more bad things about them, it's harder to let them go out of your life. You will always keep your friends in the wardrobe of your heart. You've loved them.  3000 or 90 to 600?


  1. Challenge has been completed

  2. Thank you so much for offering me the challenge. It made me learn a lot.

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