Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Not Far

A few weeks ago we had a trip to the Island of Gods. It was a nice experience after more than 20 years not visiting the island. There are many new tourism objects that I haven't seen before. I felt like visiting a new paradise.

We went to the objects by bus as one is far from another. At night, we went around on foot.

One evening, Dian, my colleague ask me to go around with her. "How do we go there?" I asked. "On foot," she replied. "How far?" "Just near where we are now,"

Another evening, some colleagues and I planned to go to a beach. "How far?" I asked. Biso, one of us, answered,"Look! Only 300 metres"

Everyday on the bus, when I asked the tour guide, Mbok Dewi, about the distance of the next destination, she always said,"10 minutes from the first traffic light."
I tried to think...and found...that they had taught me about this: 
How far we go, just do it step by step. 'Near' by 'near', The first 300 metres...the second 300 metres...the third 300 metres.... Or the first traffic light...the second traffic light...the third one...and so forth until we reach the destination.
Thanks a lot for this simple lesson of life, my brother and sisters. Thanks for sharing a positive energy. :)

Wednesday 13 July 2016

A Simple Good Morning

Not everyday, but I often take my children and their mom to school. Their mom works at their school. To save my time, I usually drop them off not in front of the school, but in front of the cluster. Then they walk. Everytime they walk past the security officers, my wife greets them - just a simple 'good morning'. They just nodded at first. Then, to reply my wife's greeting they smiled. After some greetings, they replied by nodding, smiling and saying good morning.

People learn from what they see, they hear and they feel.
When they can see, hear and feel that they are respected, they also learn how to show and give respect.
Let's DO it, not only tell it. Share your positive energy to others.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Park Here!

Today I went to the hospital where my sister-in-law has been lying for two days. I took her mom and sister there to visit her. But this is not about them. 

After my wife and my mother-in-law got off the car in front of the lobby, I drove it to the parking lot to find a space for Greeny - my car. It was the peak hour. I knew this very well as I often went there to visit some relatives or friends. Many people couldn't find a space to park their cars. Neither did I.

I drove around and finally I passed the lobby. I went on driving around to a different area of the parking lot, and I saw a car came out of a space. I drove faster to reach the space that had just been left. Unfortunately, a car from the opposite came faster to the space...smoothly. Ouch! I wanted to be angry but I tried to control myself. I thought that being angry couldn't help me find the space for my car. I sent a text to my wife, "Maybe I've got to wait in the running-around car as I can't park my car.... Please tell me when you have come out to the lobby." I was just waiting for my fortune.

Again...I passed the lobby.This was the third time I saw it. And I had to drive around again. I tried another area of the parking lot. Again! I passed the lobby for the fourth time!

After passing the lobby, not far from that place, right in front of my car, suddenly a car came out and left a space. And when I saw behind me, there was no car. Then I could freely park Greeny at that space, not far from the lobby, like a VIP!

God loves you. When He doesn't give you the thing that you think is good, believe Him that He will give you the better one. God is also the parking lot with me... :)
Believe Him...and give your problem to Him to solve it His way!