Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Thursday 21 February 2013

The Best Mark Ever

There would be a test in my music class. The test would be done by groups of three. The test needed all of the members of the group to play well. If one of them played some parts of the music score incorrectly, the whole group would get bad mark.
There were some students who were good at music. Three of them joined. They had no problem in playing the music score. They did not need to learn and practise together as each of them could read and play the score well. On another corner, Firman - another student who was good at music - and two of his friends practised together. His friends could not read and play the music score fluently. They usually got 70, the minimum passing mark. He tried hard to teach his friends patiently. He tried his best and so did his friends.
The day of the test had come. The three talented students played the song. They did it perfectly. They got 100. Then Firman and his group performed after practising as well as they could. And they did it…not very well…. They got 80!
I asked Firman,”Are you satisfied?” “Yes!” he replied. He chose the more difficult choice. He chose not to gain 100 easily. He realized that he could not get 100. On the other side, his friends were really satisfied since they had never got 80 before.
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