Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 26 November 2011

One of my students was walking along the corridor when she met me. She didn't greet me or even send a smile although she looked at me. What's wrong with her? Or what's wrong with me??? My students usually greet me when they meet me.
I observed her for a few days. It happened again and again when she met me. I didn't know whether she did it to others or not. I hoped she only did it to me, not to others. On the fifth day, I tried to smile at and greet her. She smiled and replied.
Ah, it's so simple! Smile comes from ourselves, not from others. So why don't we start our days with a smile? We cannot make others smile unless we smile to them.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Be led by reason.
(Greek Proverb)

The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values. 
Norman Thomas (1884 - 1968)

Thursday 3 November 2011

Good Coffee

That day I went to a coffee shop. I bought a cup of expensive, hot, delicious coffee. I had known that it tasted good but before I could say so, I saw some people running, and some shouting. The building was on fire! The fire came from the 2nd floor while I was on the ground floor. I walked outside fast because I saw some white smoke and I smelt something burnt. Since I didn't forget to bring my coffee, I drank mine outside the building. It wasn't delicious, I thought.
....going home....
When I came home, the one I loved offered me a cup of coffee. It was not expensive coffee. You could find it at the stalls on the street. How did it taste? Wow! It was so good!

Good or not is not about something we see or we taste or we experience It's about how we enjoy what we see or we taste or we experience.