Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Monday 20 June 2011


This evening I found some footprints on the hood (the cover of the engine) of my car. They made it dirty. I called my son and asked him if he played and stood on the hood. "Yes, I did. Sorry, Dad," he answered. "It's ok, but you have to clean it. Who stood with you on the hood?" "I did it alone, Dad." I knew he lied because there were more than one type of
footprints, and I recognized very well which ones were my son's.
God created my son with flat feet. I recognized my son's footprints and I knew that he had  lied to me. Thank God for my son's flat feet. Thank God for showing me that my son lied to me. Thank God it's not too late for my wife and I to teach him the value of telling the truth.
God created everything in purpose, never accidentally.
God always leads us to uncover lies.

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