Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Friday 20 October 2023


Mocca, the nice shihtzu
Mocca, our dog, likes to take a walk. Yet, it's not our routine to take him for a walk. On the other side, Mocca likes to escape from our house, since he like to go outside. He went outside by silently passing the gate when the front door was opened several times. Of course, we got into a panic finding our door opened and Mocca disappeared. We immediately ran for him and searched him around. Luckily, we found him. The farthest distance of his walk was about 500 meters from our house.

That evening, My wife, my daughter and I were having a chat in the bedroom. After a while, I went out of the bedroom and found the front door opened. I shouted, "The door is opened. Mocca escaped." And...we went around and around for about two hours to find him. We didn't find him. We shared the information to the people around our house, hoping that someone saw him and informed us where he was.

The next days we continued going around to find him. We made posters, shared them to people or sellers, and stuck them at some places. We asked an animal communicator to help us trace where Mocca had gone. The animal communicator said that Mocca had been taken by a man. Another animal communicator said that the man loved Mocca, so he took him home. We were guided to find the house that had some plants that looked like chili plants. The animal communicator also said that the man had two other dogs. We tried to find the house as described, we found the area but we couldn't find the house. A neighbour told us that her husband saw Mocca walking with a man twice in the afternoon, but we never met the man with Mocca.

For me, at first, I thought we had lost Mocca. I felt so sad, and afraid of how Mocca could survive. Was he safe? Was he ok? Did he find a place to sleep? How did he find his food  and drink? 😢😢

But now, after three weeks, I have different view. I start to think that God had moved Mocca to a better place and he got a better treatment. God knows who can treat Mocca better at the moment. The time for Mocca to live with us is over. He has given enough happiness to us. It's enough. Now, Mocca has a new mission to bring happiness to another family. The animal communicator said that the man who found Mocca was sad or in bad condition, and Mocca could bring him joy.

There is time to live with your family, your partner, or another that you loved. There is also time for God to take them from you. At first you feel you lost someone, but believe that God promises you a better life, for you and for the one He has taken.

Till we meet again, Mocca....🐶