Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Saturday 2 January 2021

Stranger in the Street

"What's wrong with you, Adyl? Come on...don't stop. We must go on." I talked to my motorcycle when I went home from work.
My motorcycle ran more and more slowly...and finally stopped. was a silly mistake not to check the fuel before you went out by motorcycle. My motorcycle ran out of gasoline. The sun shone so brightly in the middle of the day, and I had to walk and push my motorcycle.

Suddenly, a young man on his motorcycle came closer from behind. Seeing what he was bringing on his motorcycle, I guessed he worked as a delivery man. I thought I never had a friend with that job. I didn't know who he was.
"Do you run out of gas? Where will you go? Still far from here?" he asked me.
"Umm...yes. I wanna go home. Not too far," I replied.
"Let me help you push your motorcycle," he said.
"Oh...thanks," I didn't have time to think further.
Then he pushed my motorcycle by his foot while he was riding his.

After about a kilometer, at the T-junction we turned right, and after we turned right we found a mini gas station. If I walked, I could reach it in about fifteen minutes with much sweat, while with that stranger pushing my motorcycle, we could reach it in only one minute.
"Just stop here. I can buy the gas here. You can leave me," I told him.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Ok, I'm going," he said.
"Thank you so much," I said.
Then he turned around and went to the other direction, and I realized that he turned right just for helping me.

Who was he? He was really stranger whom I had never known before. He was mysterious.

Nooo...he wasn't a stranger! It was God's work.
He was the angel that God sent to help me. 
Help me to reach the gas station easily? No!
God didn't send His angel to help me when I got trouble, but He sent him to remind me to help others...even strangers.

Sometimes we prefer choosing whom we want to help, but God always reminds us to help those who need help.