Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Morinda citrifolia

I used to go to work at six in the morning and go home at 5 p.m. I never knew what happened in and around my house during that time. 
When we have holiday at home, we usually open all doors and windows in the morning, so we have fresh air going through the house. We can also smell everything around my house. Sometimes we have good smell of our neighbours frying or roasting some food. Hmmm...yummy...I imagine it and it makes me hungry.

Now I have to work from home,  so I know what happens in my house very well for 24 hours. I also know the smell of food in our neighbourhood...huahahaha....

One morning, when I opened doors and windows, I smelt something burnt inside my house. It disturbed me much. I didn't like this smell. I thought someone was burning trash. It came from our surroundings "Hhhh...who's burning trash early in the morning? Why do people still burn trash while there is a truck picking up the household waste twice a week?"
The next day, we had the same smell. It happened again and again everyday, until I was accustomed to such smell.

This morning I cut some branches of my noni (Morinda citrifolia) tree in our backyard. The leaves and fruits fell out to the ground of the house next to ours, so I need to cut the branches. I climbed the ladder to reach the branches that I wanted to cut. Reaching the top end of the ladder, I could see the backyard of my neighbour's. 
Ooohh! I was shocked! 

I saw what I never thought before. The smell that I thought it was someone burning trash, in fact, it was my neighbour boiling water by wood stove. I thought that he, with 3 children without wife and any regular job, didn't have enough money to buy gas for cooking on gas stove, so he used wood to cook. 

Sometimes we quickly think negatively about something we don't like without knowing what stands behind it.

Sometimes we feel comfortable and don't look around, so we don't know - and don't care - that some people around us have to struggle to keep living.

Thank you, my Morinda citrifolia for showing me another side of life.