Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Thursday 18 October 2012

Lucky Beggar

Nobody wants to be poor. Nobody wants to be a beggar. Nevertheless, some people choose to be beggars because of their own situation. They have their own reasons. Sunday is the day that more beggars come to my house. It may be because the owner of the house is at home.
That Sunday my wife and I were not at home. Only my children and their nanny were at home. Before I went out, I had left a banknote of Rp. 50,000.00. I asked the nanny to spend the money to pay for the laundry. When I was away, she called me asking where I put the money. I told her where I put it but she could not find it.
The next morning the nanny told me that she could not find the money. I said ok, and asked her to look for it once again.
Then my 4 years old daughter told me proudly,

Friday 28 September 2012

May I go to the toilet, please?

My students were having mid-term exams. They had to concentrate on the exams during that week. In the exam room, everybody had to do the tests seriously. Some subjects needed much time to do, but some of them needed only a short time. Usually we have 90 minutes for each subject, except for Maths.
That day the students took a test of Computer theory. All of the students in my class

Saturday 21 July 2012

A Humble Leader

In my church, our leader is a good priest who is very strict about every church's rule. Maybe only one thing he misses. He forgets to come to the people although he usually accepts the people who come to him warmly. That day was a special Sunday for us as the mass would be led by Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo, the bishop of Jakarta. A day before He sent a message "....If there are some of your people who are sick, I have time and I can visit them...." It's a great pleasure for the people who could be visited by the bishop. He, who has higher position than my local leader, was willing to visit ordinary people who needed to be visited, who needed to be touched. The great leader who is so humble....
When he came and I met him, I reported how the mass should go. He gave this response, "Just do as what you have planned. But if there is some mistake or something that you haven't planned happens, it'll be ok, right?"
I was so happy to hear that. I wondered how he could be that humble, how he could give it all to God, the greatest planner. He believes that God's plan is always better than ours. So let us be humble before Him.

Monday 12 March 2012

Do It With Love

Yesterday I watched 'Masterchef Australia' on TV. The participants had to cook food that they had eaten when they were kids. They cooked food that their mommy, daddy or grandma had cooked for the kids. They cooked while they were trying to remember the moment they ate it.
After finishing their cooking, the jury tasted the food they had cooked. The jury gave good comments and they said all of the food were delicious. All were delicious! Because they cooked it emotionally. They cooked it with heart. They cooked it with love.
I believe that anything done with love will be amazing!