Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

Wednesday 24 August 2011


When I was attending the university I had a friend. I knew him quite well although we were not too close. But it was about 20 years ago. Now he has got a good position in his office. He is successful in his work.
One thing that I always remember about him is that when we were studying at the university, he liked to cheat to get good marks. I cannot remember the good things he did at that time.
So what's the point?
Bad things are usually more easily remembered than the good ones. If he usually cheated to get good marks, how can I believe that he is now successful without cheating? In my thought, I do not believe that he has achieved all success in a right way.
Sons and daughters, when you're  taking your tests or doing any tasks, although your teachers cannot see, please do it in a right way. Why? Because some friends see when you are cheating, and when you become a successful person 20 years later, your high school classmates will not believe that you do it in a right way. They will not trust you.
Do not ignore TRUST. If you ignore it, it will ignore you.